Author: alexia medici



(Latin: mother), etymologically is also related to motherland, checkmate, suppress or suffocate (an insurrection), “ogle” (an attractive person), mating, part of the brain, kill, or tomato, depending on the language.

A exhibition exploring the etymological meaning – and sociopolitical contexts of the word – of the word ‘māter’, taking on a set of unexpected connotations ranging from motherland, witchcraft, autonomy and bacterial growth. A collaboration between Spain and Malta via Barcelona-based curator Alexia Medici, the exhibition will travel between the two countries in March and May 2024, being presented at the National Archives of Malta (in Rabat), and at the Gardens of the Maternity (in Barcelona), home to the Historical Archive of the Barcelona Provincial Council.

Six invited artists have created new, site-specific works for the project, engaging with the sites and their varied uses over time.

Themes which the artists are engaging with include the politics of religion and witchcraft, bacterial growth and colonisation, plant-human relationships, as well as the politicisation of the mother-figure.

Kristina Borg (Malta), Charlotte Nordgren Sewell (UK-Sweden), Agustín Ortiz Herrera (Spain), Irene Pérez Gil (Spain),
Vanessa Varela (Spain), and Raphael Vella (Malta)

Pilar Cruz (Spain), Alexia Medici (Malta-Spain) and
Margerita Pulè (Malta)

9 – 30 March 2024
National Archives (Malta)

9 May – 8 June 2024
La Maternitat (Barcelona)

Us, Interpreted by the Flowers I

Us, Interpreted by the Flowers I

In this series of exhibitions, flowers are used as metaphors for life and its social, historical, and cultural ramifications. The project revolves around the development of Barcelona from a sociohistorical perspective that links narratives related to the memory of the neighborhood.

The first itinerary is presented at the Casa Elizalde with “Reproduction”, followed by “Transformation” in the Farinera del Clot, and “Break” in the Joan Oliver “Pere Quart” Civic Center. On each itinerary, the exhibition will leave the environs of the civic center to connect with an emblematic business in the neighborhood.

La Casa Elizalde

This exhibition, rooted in the modernist culture of the time, revolves around the Elizalde family and, in particular, the figure of Carme Biada, wife of Arturo Elizalde, mother of their nine children and, after the unexpected and premature death of the latter, president of Elizalde, S.A. for 24 years.

Biada took the reins of the factory, with more than eight hundred employees, and led it from the production of automobile engines to aircraft engines, as well as modernizing the company through research and development. She started the Elizalde Apprentice School and implemented a social project to help workers and their sick relatives, at a time when Social Security did not exist.


In the semi-darkness of the Carme Biada Room, the work of Kati Riquelme seems to stop and give new meaning to time. From the apparent fragility and ethereal lightness of the tea bags emerges a childish universe filtered in raw indigo blue. On the small porous paper, fragments of memories force us to sharpen our senses, peek into the imperceptible and embark on a journey that connects different channels of existence.

The photographs portray people whose identity we do not know, contemporaries of the Elizalde-Biada family and who embody the massive exodus of the rural population to the big cities.

The tea bags that Riquelme works with could also refer to an industrial past and the birth of large-scale commerce. Tea is a stimulant that allows us to be awake to continue producing, but it can also represent, depending on which varieties, the prelude to sleep.

Blueprint technology was invented in 1842 by Sir John Herschel as an inexpensive way to reproduce architectural or engineering drawings, diagrams, and plans. This same technology is used to create cyanotype photographic prints in which images are developed through exposure to the sun and time.


Shortly after the death of her husband, Arturo Elizalde, “My mother sent for all the employees
in the household, assembled them in the patio and ordered them to pile up all the plans and documentation related to the factory’s automotive industry they could find, and subsequently ordered them to be burned to imbue the staff with aeronautical spirit.”

That bonfire was followed by another, this time an order to scrap all the company’s competition cars.

Miguel Elizalde Biada
El Periódico (2017)

Carme prepares the wedding of her seventh son, Pedro. She has been a widow for ten years and, in addition to taking care of her large family, she is also president of Elizalde, S.A.

She is 60 years old and her hair is gray. She sits at her desk and writes letters. The first is addressed to the florist, to order flowers for the wedding. She chooses sunflowers because they are a symbol of unconditional love, happiness, and optimism.

Another letter is addressed to a distant friend. She reflects on Arturo’s death and the sudden change in her life: from simply being a wife and mother of nine children, she finds an unknown strength, becomes the director of a great automobile company and takes responsibility for making her husband’s dream come true.

These letters, presumably written during the preparations for the wedding, are related to a series of everyday, domestic and industrial objects that represent different facets of Biada’s life and link the Casa Elizalde with the Mercat de la Concepció and the historical context of the time.

La reproducció

La reproducció

Nosaltres, interpretats per les flors

En aquesta sèrie d’exposicions les flors s’utilitzen com a metàfora de la vida i de les seves ramificacions socials, històriques i culturals. El projecte gira al voltant del desenvolupament de Barcelona des d’una perspectiva sociohistòrica i enllaça narratives relacionades amb la memòria de barri. La primera itinerància es presenta a la Casa Elizalde amb “La reproducció”, seguida de “La transformació” a la Farinera del Clot i “El trencament” al Centre Cívic Joan Oliver “Pere Quart”. En cada itinerància, l’exposició sortirà dels confins del centre cívic per connectar-se amb un comerç emblemàtic del barri.

La Casa Elizalde

Aquesta exposició, arrelada en la cultura modernista de l’època, gira al voltant de la família Elizalde i, en particular, de la figura de Carme Biada, dona d’Arturo Elizalde, mare dels seus nou fills i, després de la mort inesperada i prematura d’aquest darrer, presidenta d’Elizalde, SA durant 24 anys.

Biada va prendre les regnes de la fàbrica, de més de vuit-cents treballadors, la va portar des de la producció de motors automobilístics fins a la de motors d’aviació, i va modernitzar l’empresa mitjançant la recerca i el desenvolupament. Va posar en marxa l’Escola d’Aprenents Elizalde i va implantar una obra social per ajudar els treballadors i els seus familiars malalts, en una època en què no existia la Seguretat Social.


A partir d’una caixa de plaques seques de gelatinobromur, l’artista proposa un recorregut per les estances d’un passat actiu servint-se de la condició vel·leïtosa de la memòria.

Les fotografies retraten persones la identitat de les quals desconeixem, contemporànies de la família ElizaldeBiada i que encarnen l’èxode massiu de la població rural a les grans ciutats. En la penombra de la Sala Carme Biada, l’obra de Kati Riquelme sembla aturar i resignificar el temps. De l’aparent fragilitat i lleugeresa etèria de les bossetes de te n’emergeix un univers
infantil filtrat en blau indi cru. Sobre el petit paper porós, fragments de records ens obliguen a aguditzar els sentits, fer una ullada a allò imperceptible i emprendre un viatge que connecta diversos canals d’existència.

Les bossetes de te amb les quals treballa Riquelme també podrien remetre a un passat industrial i al naixement del comerç a gran escala. El te és un excitant que ens permet estar desperts per continuar produint, però segons quines varietats també poden representar l’avantsala del son.

La tecnologia blueprint va ser inventada el 1842 per Sir John Herschel com una forma econòmica de reproduir dibuixos, diagrames i plans d’arquitectura o enginyeria. Aquesta mateixa tecnologia s’utilitza per crear impressions fotogràfiques de cianotípia en les quals les imatges es revelen a través de l’exposició al sol i el temps.


Desembre, 1925
Poc després de la mort d’Arturo Elizalde

“La meva mare va manar cridar a tots els empleats de la casa, els va reunir al pati i va ordenar formar un munt amb tots els plànols i papers relacionats amb l’automoció que hi havia a la fàbrica, i a continuació va ordenar cremar-los per a imbuir al personal d’esperit aeronàutic.”

A aquella pira li va succeir després una altra ordre de desballestar tots els monoplaces de competició.

Miguel Elizalde Biada
El Periódico (2017)

Carme prepara el casament del seu setè fill, Pedro. Fa deu anys que és vídua i, a més d’encarregar-se de la seva nombrosa família, també és presidenta d’Elizalde, SA. Té 60 anys i el cabell gris. S’asseu al seu escriptori i escriu cartes. La primera la dirigeix a la floristeria per demanar les flors del casament. Tria gira-sols perquè són un símbol de l’amor incondicional, la felicitat i l’optimisme.

Una altra carta la dirigeix a una amiga llunyana. Hi reflexiona sobre la mort de l’Arturo i el canvi sobtat en la seva vida: de ser només esposa i mare de nou fills, troba una força desconeguda, esdevé la cap d’una gran empresa automobilística i s’encarrega de fer realitat el somni del seu marit.

Aquestes cartes, presumptament escrites durant els preparatius del casament, es relacionen amb una sèrie d’objectes quotidians, domèstics i industrials que representen facetes diferents de la vida de Biada i entronquen la Casa Elizalde amb el Mercat de la Concepció i el context històric de l’època.

El recorrido artístico (las obras)

El recorrido artístico (las obras)

El protagonista de este exposición es el espacio; el espacio y su gente.
La intención no es de hacer una grande intervención, pero escuchar y ver este espacio como es, y mostrar su facetas diferentes por un recorrido artístico.

Las obras son el resultado de la interpretación de los artistas de el espacio y las historias contadas  por los propios vecinos participantes. Estoy muy orgullosa de este proyecto, gracias a que estos maravilloso artistas han tenido la sensibilidad de escuchar activamente, teniendo interés en el pasaje a en su gente.

Rachel Quaday
Su voz
Performance, audio

La voz de una mujer en un hogar vacío
La voz de una mujer en un espacio privado
Una mujer presente y no presente
a la vez

Las páginas de las paredes
frágiles como el hormigón
esperando a su demolición
como pájaros desaparecidos

Estirones infantiles documentados
en los marcos de las puertas
Niños cogiendose las manos y
el tiempo creció como edificios altos
bloqueando el sol.

Una vida, metida en una casa, metida en cajas.

Un pasaje desarraigado.

Esta obra de Rachel Quaday está dedicada a los habitantes del barrio como la señora Agustina; una viuda de 74 años a quien les salieron problemas mentales después la muerte de su marido. La señora fue abandonada a recursos sin luz ni agua y con la casa en muy mal estado. Sus vecinos hicieron una actuación urgente de cuatro días, y con su trabajo manual le devolvieron su casa a condiciones humanamente habitables.

Por otro lado el Señor Jesús, inquilino de la casa número 1, quien vivía con su hermana y sus sobrinas. Vendía caramelos desde una habitación de su casa y fue un hombre muy querido por los niños del la Colònia.

También está dedicado los vecinos que están pasando sus últimos momentos dentro de sus hogares, o acaban de dejar sus casas. Casas destinadas a otro futuro; casas destinadas a la memoria; un testimonio a la comunidad que para muchos ya se ha olvidado.

En la intervención de Rachel, el visitante es testigo de una sola silla y una hermosa voz cantando, lamentando y contemplando el espacio.

Al final del evento, Rachel realizó un homenaje al estado actual del Passatge.


2. Marc Larré
Lugar de orígen – lugar de destino (Passatge de Piera)

La contribución de Marc Larré al proyecto en el pasaje de Piera es un grupo de piezas de barro que buscan registrar el momento de tránsito en el que se encuentran los vecinos y vecinas del pasaje. Cada pieza es un cilindro de barro que cuando estaba todavía fresco entró en contacto directo con la puerta de la casa desalojada por un extremo, y la puerta de la casa a habitar por el otro.
Las piezas están colocadas en la entrada de tres casas a demoler, en el suelo, donde se colocaría el felpudo. Así, cada pieza es la materialización de una distancia, un espacio de tránsito entre dos lugares y dos temporalidades.

La intervención de Marc encaja en una serie de obras que investigan la relación entre fotografía y barro a partir de la noción de huella. La maleabilidad del barro también permite un registro del entorno físico al ser un cuerpo sensible a todo lo que sucede a su alrededor.


3. Lola Lasurt
Pintura de óleo sobre lienzo, proyección vídeo super-8

Encarna llegó a Barcelona desde Granada a los 14 años y en el pasaje de Piera conoció e inició su noviazgo con Félix, nacido en la casa número 27, con quien se casó y tuvo dos hijos, Félix y Olga.

El proyecto retoma el diseño y la composición del cartel que el pintor surrealista belga René Magritte hizo como encargo para el Festival Internacional de Cine y Bellas Artes de Bruselas en 1947. Mediante esta gran pintura, el cartel de Magritte es recreado con el rostro de Encarna, con lo que equivale a una pantalla de cine en su frente. Esta pantalla sirve para proyectar una película super-8 filmada en blanco y negro el verano de 2018,  con que se documenta el pasaje y el interior de la casa de Encarna. Estas imágenes se intercalan con otras imágenes super-8 del pasaje, esta vez en color y originales filmadas por Julián Hernández Simón, vecino de la casa número 14, hace unos 45 años.

Cromáticamente, Lasurt utiliza en su tela las mismas combinaciones de color que decoran las paredes de la casa ahora tapiada de Encarna: carmín y naranja rojizo en el salón y carmín con azul turquesa para el dormitorio.

La obra pone en juego aspectos de la composición y la poética del espacio, como están estrechamente ligados, no solo a los espacios físicos que habitamos, sino también a la organización de nuestra psique. El trabajo sirve de testimonio del lugar desde una perspectiva íntima en un proceso de pérdida. La creación ha avanzado en diálogo con Encarna y ha procurado acompañar su proceso de transición.

Lasurt ha realizado un segundo retrato pictórico para Encarna, manteniendo así la memoria de las combinaciones de colores de su antigua casa.


4. Katerina Ashche en colaboración con Alexia Medici
Máquina del Tiempo

La nevera es una máquina del tiempo.
Sirve para ralentizar el paso del tiempo, lo que nos permite ahorrar y alargar la vida de todo lo que contiene. Permite que el pasado y el presente se extiendan al futuro. En un futuro imaginario donde las cosas se disponen para su uso y disfrute. Y si se olvidan, son abandonadas a su putrefacción, siendo descartadas y desaprovechadas para ser reemplazadas por otras.
El exterior de la nevera es un tablero donde se reúnen rastros de recuerdos y anotaciones de pensamientos que en un momento concreto parecen importantes. Momentos que la familia recolecta y guarda en vano, con la esperanza de aferrarse al presente constantemente cambiante.

En este proyecto, Ashche recopila reminiscencias y objetos familiares y históricos del pasaje de Piera para crear una narrativa central en la vida familiar de Juanita, Julián, Sonia y Noa, habitantes de esta casa. Una casa recientemente tapiada y especialmente reabierta para este evento, para ser nuevamente tapiada al cabo de unas pocas horas.


5. Netai Halup

En su intervención artística Netai Halup utiliza y recrea objetos encontrados en algunas de las casas tapiadas del pasaje de Piera. Sus estructuras son tensas, frágiles y funcionan con equilibrio, unas sensaciones que resultan relevantes al respecto de esta última etapa en la vida del pasaje de Piera y lo que queda de la Colònia Castells.
En su primera intervención, el artista interactúa con el patio interior de la casa tapiada del pasaje de Piera número 1. Las personas asistentes solo ven la instalación desde el espacio donde se encontraba el Bar Bodega R. Ruiz, mirando a través del cable instalado para desalentar la ocupación de este lugar.
En la segunda intervención el artista trabaja con el concepto de conexión temporal y espacial. En este caso, su instalación conecta las casas recientemente desalojadas de Mari Claramunt y Encarna García con el vacío que se presenció después de que se demoliera la casa que había justo detrás.
Halup utiliza el cemento, el mismo material utilizado para tapiar las casas, para alargar la vida de estos objetos encontrados, encapsulando y preservando lo que se ha descartado y dejado en los momentos intensos durante la transición de una vida conocida a una nueva distinta. Al crear una situación performativa, los espectadores participan de forma activa en el diálogo con los residuos físicos y mentales en una instalación que rinde tributo a un espacio que ahora muestra sólo los rastros de lo que fue.


6. Elena Calle, Laura Núñez
Colònia Castells: al rescat de la memòria
Districte de les Corts, Ajuntament de Barcelona
Se invita a las personas que asistan a sentarse en los bancos del parque y escuchar los recuerdos narrados por algunos de los vecinos y vecinas de la Colònia Castells mientras se contempla el espacio abierto que una vez estuvo compuesto por 117 casas pequeñas y 4 pasajes. Por estos pasajes, cada tarde personas mayores traían sus sillas y se sentaban en la entrada de sus casas, observando a los niños jugar mientras que sus vecinos hacían sus tareas diarias. Estas calles fueron el escenario de comidas vecinales al aire libre; fiestas como la verbena de Sant Joan, con sus grandes hogueras en la calle de Montnegre; puntos de encuentro como el colmado, el bar La Campana y el Bar Bodega R. Ruiz, entre otros.

Participantes: Juana Blanch, Herminia Cruz, Rosa Maria Escolà, Mª Dolores García, Julián Hernández, Encarna García. Francisca Vicent i Carles Vidal. Imágenes cedidas por: Arxiu fotogràfic de Barcelona, Arxiu Municipal del Districte de les Corts, Dolors Abadia, Lidia Alvero, Concha Aneiros, Xavier Artigues, Manel Beltran, Rosa Maria Escolà Vilaginés, Montserrat Ferrando, Reinald González, Julián Hernández, Albert de la Hoz Bofarull, Jaume Meneses, Pere Monés. Agradecimientos: Adela Agelet, Josep Alió, Lourdes Baños López, Nora Miquel, Residència Les Corts, Maite Roca, Federic Utzet. Música: Menilmontant by Latché Swing. Voz en off:  Laura Nuñez. Guión: Laura Nuñez. Realitzación: Elena Calle


7. Colectivo Metromuster
[NO-RES] vida y muerte de un espacio en tres actos (2011)
Vídeo 90’. Esta obra está licenciada bajo la Licencia Creative Commons Atribución-NoComercial 3.0 No portada. Ganador del 1er Premio de la sección de largometraje nacional de Documenta Madrid 2012

[NO-RES] es la crónica de los últimos días de vida de la Colònia Castells, una de las pocas colonias fabriles que quedan en Barcelona. Con el derribo de sus casas bajas y sus callejuelas, quedará enterrado todo un micromundo relacional muy peculiar, así como una forma muy humana de entender el espacio urbano, por parte de sus entrañables habitantes.
De forma observacional, la película narra tres momentos de este espacio que coinciden con el fin de una cotidianeidad que se ha mantenido inalterada a lo largo de todo un siglo. Estos momentos son: 1. La vida en la colonia; 2. La disecación de la colonia (taxidermia); y 3. La destrucción de la colonia
Se trata de un proceso paradigmático del cambio urbanístico que viven muchas ciudades de occidente. Esta obra audiovisual nos muestra de una forma muy gráfica el paso de la ciudad horizontal a la ciudad vertical. Inevitablemente, [NO-RES] narra también el éxodo de sus protagonistas que fueron desalojados a finales de 2010 y fueron obligados a adaptarse a un medio casi opuesto al que siempre han conocido. La narración culmina con el derribo de las casas en las que nacieron muchos de los vecinos de la Colònia.
La constante narrativa de esta película es el propio espacio y el modo de vida que de él se desprende: muchas horas de sol, ausencia de tráfico, vida en la calle, contacto con los vecinos, gente mayor tomando el fresco, niños jugando a pelota, etc. En contraposición, está la amenaza constante de las grandes avenidas de las ciudades verticales, casi personificada por la proximidad de la Calle Entenza – que limita con la Colonia Castells, característica por su tráfico intenso.
[NO-RES] significa en catalán la NADA.


8. Lucy Costelloe
Fotografía, esculturas de resina y arcilla

Este trabajo comenzó a partir de una investigación sobre un refugio subterráneo de la Guerra Civil de la Colònia Castells. La existencia de este refugio sólo se conocía porque algunos vecinos se referían él. Se había olvidado en la historia de la ciudad y no figura en la lista de refugios del área.

Esta idea de un espacio oculto, casi olvidado, ha llevado al artista a explorar otros lugares olvidados y desaparecidos de alrededor y a documentarlos a través de una serie de fotografías y representaciones de los objetos que ahora los ocupan.

Los espacios que Costelloe documenta con este trabajo abarcan desde las antiguas vilas romanas hasta los torrentes desaparecidos de la Magoria, la Riera Blanca, y la capilla de Santa Cecilia; concluyendo con los monumentos de la Guerra Civil, como es la escultura de José Antonio Primo de Rivera y la prisión de mujeres de les Corts.

Empezado con el refugio oculto y olvidado, esta investigación revela cómo estamos rodeados por los fantasmas del pasado, y que, aún habiendo sido destruidos los espacios físicos, éstos permanecen debido a la naturaleza perdurable de la memoria.

Las obras aquí expuestas representan los palimpsestos que quedan: los objetos banales que se han superpuesto sobre otros con el paso del tiempo, presentados a través de fotografías y esculturas de resina y arcilla, que representan las capas de lo nuevo, sintético, aparentemente desechable, sobre los objetos antiguos, inmutables de la “Historia”.

El proyecto se presenta en un lugar también grabado nuevamente por la historia. Este contenedor industrial es un espacio improvisado colocado sobre una zona donde todavía se ven los restos de los hogares situados al final del pasaje Barnola y de la calle Castells. Son paredes cinceladas con historias y cubiertas con pintura; paredes que se olvidarán en la creación de un nuevo contexto.

Artistic tour (artworks)

Artistic tour (artworks)

The protagonist of this exhibition is space; the space and its people. The intention is to listen and see this space as it is, and show its different facets through an artistic journey.

The works are the result of the artists’ interpretation of the space and the stories told by the participating neighbours themselves. I am very proud of this project, thanks to the fact that these wonderful artists have had the sensibility to listen actively, taking an interest in the passage and its people.


Rachel Quaday
Her voice
Performance, audio

The pages of the walls
fragile as concrete
Wrecking balls 
Like doves gone  

Growth spurts written
On door frames
Kids held hands and 
Time stood like tall buildings 
Blocking the sun.

A life, tucked into a home, tucked into boxes. 

A passage paved over.

The audio piece was conceived as an introduction to the Passatge de Piera. Upon entering the lane the visitor is taken in by the visual contrast between the new high rise flats in Les Corts and the small shabby ground floor houses in the Passatge; it feels like entering a village.

Rachel’s subtle audio piece sets the tone. It is dedicated to Señora Agustina who suffered mental disease after the unexpected death of her husband. Augustina who lived in the abandoned house 3 was often heard speaking to herself and lived in very bad conditions with no water nor electricity until the community of neighbours created a special task force to bring her house back to humane conditions after four intense days of labour.

In Rachel’s intervention the visitor witnesses a single chair and a beautiful voice singing, lamenting and contemplating the space.

At the end of the event, Rachel performed a tribute to the current state of the Passatge.


2. Marc Larré
Place of origin – place of destination (Passatge de Piera)

Marc Larré contributed to the project in the Passage de Piera by creating a group of clay pieces that seek to record the moment of transit being experienced by the evicted neighbors of the passage. When still fresh, each clay piece came into direct contact with the door of a bricked up evicted house at one end, and the main door of the block of flats the same neighbours will inhabit at the other, making each piece the materialization of a distance, a space of transit between two places and two temporalities.

Marc’s intervention fits into a series of works that investigate the relationship between photography and clay based on the concept of a footprint.


Lola Lasurt
Oil painting on canvas, video projection super-8

Whilst exploring Passatge de Piera, the visitor enters a house which was bricked up and specifically reopened by the local authorities for this exhibition. A house filled with the traces of memories passed through generations. In its front room overlooking the street, the visitor discovers “Encarna” by Lola Lasurt.

Using René Magritte’s poster for the 1947 International Film and Fine Arts Festival of Brussels as a base, Lola creates a huge portrait of Encarna García, neighbour and family friend living across the street in Passatge de Piera, 11.

Using the canvas itself as a screen, upon Encarna’s forehead Lasurt projects two super-8 videos: one executed by the artist during the summer of 2018, and another from the 1970s filmed by the late Julián Hernández Simón, resident of the house the artwork is presented within.

Chromatically, Lasurt uses the same color combinations that decorate the walls of the Encarna’s house, now bricked up: carmine and reddish orange in the living room and carmine with turquoise blue for the bedroom.

The work brings into play aspects of the composition and poetics of space, closely linked, not only to the physical spaces we inhabit, but also to the organization of our psyche. The work serves as a testimony of this home from an intimate perspective in a process of loss. The creation has advanced in dialogue with Encarna and has tried to accompany her transition process. Lasurt made a second portrait for Encarna, thus maintaining the memory of the color combinations of her old house in her new apartment.


Katerina Ashche in collaboration with Alexia Medici
Time machine

As the visitor enters deeper into the heart of house number 14, one discovers a fridge standing alone in between the kitchen and the living room. It is full of artifacts and what seems like some sound coming from within.

The outside of the fridge – or the time machine as seen through the eyes of the artists – gathers familiar and historical reminiscences and artifacts from Passatge de Piera collected by Ashche and Medici, creating a central narrative in the family life of Juanita, Julián, Sonia and Noa, last inhabitants of this house. A house full of subtle traces of the generations of lives contained within.

Continuing with the time machine concept, the artists captured and collected the natural smells found around the house, varying from the scent emitted by the drinking cabinet in the living room, to the old wardrobe in the main bedroom. They called these “essences” and placed them on top of the fridge.

This idea ties up with the notion that this small house, once containing the lives of up to eight family members spreading across three generations was recently evicted and bricked up: encapsulated. The house, like the fridge, preserved the smells and traces of life within for two months before being opened up specifically for this event. Afterwards, it was bricked up again awaiting its final destiny, as does the food held inside a fridge, that when not made use of, putrifies, to be discarded.

Netai Halup

In his artistic intervention Netai Halup uses and recreates objects found in some of the walled houses of the Passatge de Piera. His structures are tense, fragile and work with balance, sensations that are relevant to this last stage in the life of the passage and what remains of the Colònia Castells.

In his first installation, the artist interacts with the inner courtyard of the evicted house of Passatge de Piera number 1. The visitors can only see the installation by peeling through holes in the wall. A performative act highlighting that we are peeping into the lives and current situation of these neighbours from the outside.

In his second intervention the artist works with the concept of temporal and spatial connection. In this case, his installation connects the recently vacated houses of Mari and Encarna with the void left behind after the house that was just behind was demolished.

Halup uses cement, the same material used to wall the houses, to extend the life of found objects, encapsulating and preserving what has been discarded and left in the intense moments during the transition from a known life to a new one.


6. Elena Calle, Laura Núñez
Colònia Castells: al rescat de la memòria
Districte de les Corts, Ajuntament de Barcelona

After getting acquainted with the history and community of Passatge de Piera, the last road left of the Colònia Castells, the visitor is invited to walk to and contemplate the open space that made up the colony, once composed of 117 small houses and 4 passages.

Sitting on the benches of the park, the viewer can listen to the memories narrated by some of the neighbours of Colònia Castells. Each evening the elderly brought out their chairs and sat at the entrance of their homes, watching the children play while their neighbours did their daily chores, neighbours who organized outdoor meals and festivals together. The most reknown of which was the festival of Sant Joan, with its big bonfires in Carrer de Montnegre; memories of the local grocery store, the La Campana bar and the R. Ruiz Winery Bar, among others.

Participants: Juana Blanch, Herminia Cruz, Rosa Maria Escolà, Mª Dolores García, Julián Hernández, Encarna García. Francisca Vicent and Carles Vidal. Images courtesy of: Arxiu fotogràfic de Barcelona, Arxiu Municipal de les Districte de les Corts, Dolors Abadia, Lidia Alvero, Concha Aneiros, Xavier Artigues, Manel Beltran, Rosa Maria Escolà Vilaginés, Montserrat Ferrando, Reinald González, Julián Hernández, Albert de la Hoz Bofarull, Jaume Meneses, Pere Monés. Acknowledgments: Adela Agelet, Josep Alió, Lourdes Baños López, Nora Miquel, Residència Les Corts, Maite Roca, Federic Utzet. Music: Menilmontant by Latché Swing. Voiceover: Laura Nuñez. Screenplay: Laura Nuñez. Directed by: Elena Calle.


7. Colectivo Metromuster
[NO-RES] vida y muerte de un espacio en tres actos (2011)
Vídeo 90’. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 License Not cover. Winner of the 1st Prize of the national feature film section of Documenta Madrid 2012

[NO-RES] is the chronicle of the last days of life of Colònia Castells, one of the few factory colonies left in Barcelona. With the demolition of its low houses and its narrow streets, a very peculiar relational microworld will be buried, as well as a very human way of understanding the urban space, on the part of its beloved inhabitants.

In an observational way, the film narrates three moments of this space that coincide with the end of a daily routine that has remained unchanged for a whole century. These moments are: 1. Life in the colony; 2. The dissection of the colony (taxidermy); and 3. The destruction of the colony

It is a paradigmatic process of urban change that many cities of the West are experiencing. This audiovisual work shows us in a very graphic way the passage from the horizontal city to the vertical city. Inevitably, [NO-RES] also narrates the exodus of its protagonists who were evicted at the end of 2010 and were forced to adapt to an environment almost opposite to that which they have always known. The narrative culminates with the demolition of the houses in which many of the neighbors of the Colònia were born.

The constant narrative of this film is the space itself and the way of life that emerges from it: many hours of sun, absence of traffic, life on the street, contact with neighbors, elderly people taking the cool, children playing ball , etc. In contrast, there is the constant threat of the great avenues of the vertical cities, almost personified by the proximity of the Entenza Street – which borders the Colonia Castells, characteristic for its intense traffic.

[NO-RES] means NOTHING in Catalan.


Lucy Costelloe
Photography, resin and clay sculptures

The artistic journey through the Colònia Castells ends in an industrial container. In this improvised space Lucy Costelloe presents “Palimpsesto”.

Lucy’s artwork started from an investigation researching an underground refuge of the Civil War of Colònia Castells. The existence of this refuge was only known because some neighbours referred to it. It had been forgotten in the history of the city and is not on the list of shelters in the area.

This idea of a hidden space, almost forgotten, led the artist to explore other forgotten and disappeared places around Les Corts and to document them through a series of photographs and representations of the objects that now occupy them.

The spaces she documents range from the ancient Roman villas to the disappeared streams of Magoria and Riera Blanca, concluding with the monuments of the Civil War, such as the sculpture of José Antonio Primo de Rivera and the women’s prison of Les Corts.

Lucy’s investigation reveals how we are surrounded by the ghosts of the past, and that, even having been destroyed the physical spaces, these remain due to the lasting nature of the memory.

The works exhibited here represent the remaining palimpsests: the banal objects that have been superimposed on others with the passage of time, presented through photographs and sculptures of resin and clay, representing the layers of the new, synthetic, seemingly disposable, about the ancient, immutable objects of “History”.

The Discourse Project

The Discourse Project

Discourse [41.3777, 2.1416] is a mirror covered ring with the same shape and dimensions as the fountains in the lake of the Parc d’Espanya Industrial in Barcelona. The art installation was originally created for the ephemeral and site specific onsite exhibition I curated in July this year.

After the event, I decided to create a journey through various space- and time-specific locations and create a ‘spin off’ series: The Discourse Project

Although the artwork is the same, it’s installation in each location makes it site specific. This can be seen in the title given to each installation, such as Discourse [14.4446, 35.9148]. The numbers in the artwork’s title refer to the project’s longitude and latitude. Therefore these digits vary from location to location, just as it’s interaction is particular to these varied space and time conditions. At the end, there is one constant: the ring includes a marker and it always points North.

The ring installation is covered with mirrors. This mirrored surface brings what is “up there” to the ground. They reflect what’s above and contrast it with the ground below.
An uncontrolled and totally site specific phenomenon is the Discourse between the installation and the low lying sun rays coming through depending on the time of the day. This interaction creates a glow of light on the ground furthering the ring’s communication with this site.

Discourse [41.3777, 2.1416]

Discourse [41.3777, 2.1416]

Ring shaped mirror on grass

The idea behind this installation was born with my fascination with the circular unused fountains found in the lake at the Parc d’Espanya Industrial.


This ring was adopted as a base for my own structure using the same dimensions of the fountain itself. The structure was then covered with mirror thus allowing the ring to “discourse” with its surroundings.

The installation has an internal as well as an external discourse. The shape of the ring itself is very symbolic and has many significant internal references. An interesting article I found on the symbolism of the circle.


The external discourse of the ring with its surroundings is also to be taken into consideration.

As mentioned previously, the ring is covered with mirrors. These mirrors reflect the light, trees, people and the general ambient of the park. They bring what is “up there” to the ground – to the soil, grass and fallen leaves. Depending on the sun’s position, the mirrors either contrast with the earth by reflecting the illuminated sky and sun, or they blend in and become practically invisible, camouflaged in the dark.

A third discourse would be with the geographical location itself. The ring has been cut and assembled onsite to create the shape. The cuts are made to represent longitude and latitude lines.

This geographical discourse is reflected in the artwork’s name. The numbers 41.3777, 2.1416 refer to the project’s exact longitude and latitude in the park and the ring includes a marker that marks North.


The idea is to start a journey with this installation and create new discourses in new locations in other geographical locations, always pointing North.

The ring will be the same, the numbers will change, the discourse will evolve and each location will leave its mark on the ring’s surface.


Discourse [41.3777, 2.1416] is a site specific installation created for the first public exhibition I have curated called Artist Takeover Vol:1 in the Park. More info about the event available by clicking on this link.

The passage of time

The passage of time

The #passage of #time and #oxygen on a given surface. #Oxidization changes #textures, #colours and #structures in #inanimate surfaces thus giving #life to the #inorganic.
A #series of #unfiltered #abstract #photography #art series by #alexiamedici a #maltese #artist and #mother during her #artistresidencyinmotherhood #facebook #iron #concrete #wall #distressed #visualpoetry #facebook #art #urban #stories and #narratives via Instagram
The passage of time

The passage of time

The #passage of #time and #oxygen on a given surface. #Oxidization changes #textures, #colours and #structures in #inanimate surfaces thus giving #life to the #inorganic.
A #series of #unfiltered #abstract #photography #art series by #alexiamedici a #maltese #artist and #mother during her #artistresidencyinmotherhood #facebook #iron #concrete #wall #distressed #visualpoetry #facebook #art #urban #stories and #narratives via Instagram
The passage of time

The passage of time

The #passage of #time and #oxygen on a given surface. #Oxidization changes #textures, #colours and #structures in #inanimate surfaces thus giving #life to the #inorganic.
A #series of #unfiltered #abstract #photography #art series by #alexiamedici a #maltese #artist and #mother during her #artistresidencyinmotherhood #facebook #iron #concrete #wall #distressed #visualpoetry #facebook #art #urban #stories and #narratives via Instagram
The Line Runs Through

The Line Runs Through

The Line goes through. An #investigaton on the #border #frontier #edge from one #reality to another creating a #line. All #photos taken at the #barcelona #zoo with #reptiles this time: a #crocodile #aligator . Another #instagram 3 column grid #photography #series. #art by #alexiamedici a #maltese #artist and #mother during her #artistresidencyinmotherhood Also on #facebook via Instagram
The Line Runs Through

The Line Runs Through

The Line goes through. An #investigaton on the #border #frontier #edge from one #reality to another creating a #line. All #photos taken at the #barcelona #zoo with #reptiles this time: a #crocodile #aligator . Another #instagram 3 column grid #photography #series. #art by #alexiamedici a #maltese #artist and #mother during her #artistresidencyinmotherhood Also on #facebook via Instagram
The Line Runs Through

The Line Runs Through

The Line goes through. An #investigaton on the #border #frontier #edge from one #reality to another creating a #line. All #photos taken at the #barcelona #zoo with #reptiles this time: a #turtle #tortoise coming up for air. Another #instagram 3 column grid #photography #series. #art by #alexiamedici a #maltese #artist and #mother during her #artistresidencyinmotherhood Also on #facebook via Instagram
Flow of lines

Flow of lines

The #passage of #time and #oxygen on a given surface. #Oxidization changes #textures, #colours and #structures in #inanimate surfaces thus giving #life to the #inorganic.
A new #photography #art series by #alexiamedici a #maltese #artist and #mother during her #artistresidencyinmotherhood also on #facebook
#floor #pavements #textures via Instagram
Flow of lines

Flow of lines

The #passage of #time and #oxygen on a given surface. #Oxidization changes #textures, #colours and #structures in #inanimate surfaces thus giving #life to the #inorganic.
A new #photography #art series by #alexiamedici a #maltese #artist and #mother during her #artistresidencyinmotherhood also on #facebook
#oxidized #metal via Instagram
Flow of lines

Flow of lines

One of my old #paintings on the journey life takes us through just started a new journey of its own and is currently on its way to Santiago de Campostella to start a new life there. Whilst bidding farewell to it, I realized just how similar the #textured #narrative theme is to the work I am still attracted to and producing today. Painting #detail by #alexiamedici a #maltese #artist and #mother during her #artistresidencyinmotherhood #barcelona #art via Instagram
Flow of lines

Flow of lines

Investigating #curved #edges from photos taken at the #barcelona #zoo with #reptiles mainly a #snake and #crocodile #aligator Making #abstract #designs from live #animal #skins and creating a #flow between the #photos in the #instagram 3 column grid.
An #art #photography series by #alexiamedici a #maltese #artist and #mother during her #artistresidencyinmotherhood Also on #facebook via Instagram
Flow of lines

Flow of lines

Investigating #curved #edges from photos taken at the #barcelona #zoo with #reptiles mainly a #snake and #crocodile #aligator Making #abstract #designs from live #animal #skins and creating a #flow between the #photos in the #instagram 3 column grid.
An #art #photography series by #alexiamedici a #maltese #artist and #mother during her #artistresidencyinmotherhood Also on #facebook via Instagram
Flow of lines

Flow of lines

Investigating #curved #edges from photos taken at the #barcelona #zoo with #reptiles mainly a #snake and #crocodile #aligator Making #abstract #designs from live #animal #skins and creating a #flow between the #photos in the #instagram 3 column grid.
An #art #photography series by #alexiamedici a #maltese #artist and #mother during her #artistresidencyinmotherhood Also on #facebook via Instagram
Oxygen & the Passage of Time

Oxygen & the Passage of Time

The #passage of #time and #oxygen on a given surface. #Oxidization changes #textures, #colours and #structures in #inanimate surfaces thus giving #life to the #inorganic.
A new #photography #series by #alexiamedici a #maltese #artist and #mother during her #artistresidencyinmotherhood This project is part of the instagram #art project where #edges and #lines #flow through the Instagram 3 column grid. Also on #facebook #distressed #concrete #floor #green via Instagram
Oxygen & the Passage of Time

Oxygen & the Passage of Time

The #passage of #time and #oxygen on a given surface. #Oxidization changes #textures, #colours and #structures in #inanimate surfaces thus giving #life to the #inorganic.
A new #photography #series by #alexiamedici a #maltese #artist and #mother during her #artistresidencyinmotherhood This project is part of the instagram #art project where #edges and #lines #flow through the Instagram 3 column grid. Also on #facebook #distressed #wall via Instagram
Oxygen & the Passage of Time

Oxygen & the Passage of Time

The #passage of #time and #oxygen on a given surface. #Oxidization changes #textures, #colours and #structures in #inanimate surfaces thus giving #life to the #inorganic.
A new #photography #series by #alexiamedici a #maltese #artist and #mother during her #artistresidencyinmotherhood This project is part of the instagram #art project where #edges and #lines #flow through the Instagram 3 column grid. Also on #facebook #oxidized #metal via Instagram
(un)processed: red meat

(un)processed: red meat

Have we become so used to eating #processed #food that we have lost touch with the reality of our actions? Is food processing turning into a kind of #foodcensorship? Processed #photos of #unprocessed food so that it is not #bloody #humanlike or #offensive anymore. Photos of #redmeat found in my #localsupermarket in #barcelona – #photography by #alexiamedici a #maltese #artist and #mother during her #artistresidencyinmotherhood #barcelona If you like my #artwork please #follow my #facebook page and #artblog . A condensed and better explained version will shortly be available on my website. via Instagram
(un)processed: red meat

(un)processed: red meat

Have we become so used to eating #processed #food that we have lost touch with the reality of our actions? Is food processing turning into a kind of #foodcensorship? Processed #photos of #unprocessed food so that it is not #bloody #humanlike or #offensive anymore. Photos of #redmeat found in my #localsupermarket in #barcelona – #photography by #alexiamedici a #maltese #artist and #mother during her #artistresidencyinmotherhood #barcelona If you like my #artwork please #follow my #facebook page and #artblog . A condensed and better explained version will shortly be available on my website. via Instagram
(un)processed: red meat

(un)processed: red meat

Have we become so used to eating #processed #food that we have lost touch with the reality of our actions? Is food processing turning into a kind of #foodcensorship? Processed #photos of #unprocessed food so that it is not #bloody #humanlike or #offensive anymore. Photos of #redmeat found in my #localsupermarket in #barcelona – #photography by #alexiamedici a #maltese #artist and #mother during her #artistresidencyinmotherhood #barcelona If you like my #artwork please #follow my #facebook page and #artblog . A condensed and better explained version will shortly be available on my website. via Instagram


Have we become so used to #eating #processed #food that we have lost touch with the reality of our actions? Processed #photo of #unprocessed food. Found in #barcelona – #photography of #cleaned #white #intestine #textures #casqueria by #alexiamedici a #maltese #artist and #mother during her #artistresidencyinmotherhood #artbarcelona #instagramproject #art #facebook #artblog via Instagram



Have we become so used to #eating #processed #food that we have lost touch with the reality of our actions? Processed #photo of #unprocessed food. Found in #barcelona – #photography of #cleaned #white #intestine #textures #casqueria by #alexiamedici a #maltese #artist and #mother during her #artistresidencyinmotherhood #artbarcelona #instagramproject #art #facebook #artblog via Instagram


Have we become so used to #eating #processed #food that we have lost touch with the reality of our actions? Processed #photo of #unprocessed food. Found in #barcelona – #photography of #cleaned #white #intestine #textures #casqueria by #alexiamedici a #maltese #artist and #mother during her #artistresidencyinmotherhood #artbarcelona #instagramproject #art #facebook #artblog via Instagram
A Narrative of Edges

A Narrative of Edges

A Narrative of Edges: series of #100 photos in Instagram, over 500 photographs in the series.

An ongoing artistic investigation on endings and beginnings in found scenes ordered to create a new visual narrative.

Mundane and beautiful. Where the end of one experience meets the beginning of another.

See profile for the full study #photography by #alexiamedici – #maltese #artist and #mother living in #barcelona #artistresidencyinmotherhood #love the #mediterreanlife the #colours and the #mediterraneansea #art

Some #investigations on how the change of #perspective and the use of #filters convey a different #narrative and #emotions . View from #torredembarra to #altafulla on the costa daurada during the #beautiful #sea #storm a few days ago photographed at #dusk #twilight – #photography by #alexiamedici a #maltese #artist and #mother living in #barcelona during her #artistresidencyinmotherhood #art #artbarcelona #artblog

Some #investigations on how the change of #perspective and the use of #filters convey a different #narrative and #emotions . View from #torredembarra to #altafulla on the costa daurada during the #beautiful #sea #storm a few days ago photographed at #dusk #twilight – #photography by #alexiamedici a #maltese #artist and #mother living in #barcelona during her #artistresidencyinmotherhood #art #artbarcelona #artblog

via Instagram
Seascapes: the storm

Seascapes: the storm

Some #investigations on how the change of #perspective and the use of #filters convey a different #narrative and #emotions . View from #torredembarra to #altafulla on the costa daurada during the #beautiful #sea #storm a few days ago photographed at #dusk #twilight – #photography by #alexiamedici a #maltese #artist and #mother living in #barcelona during her #artistresidencyinmotherhood #art #artbarcelona #artblog
via Instagram
A Narrative of Edges

A Narrative of Edges

An ongoing artistic investigation on beginnings and endings…

Some thoughts:

I loved my father. His life ended.
I was a carefree and ambitious art student. That life ended.
I was young and free. That life ended.

My daughter was born. Motherhood started.
My father life ended whilst I was pregnant. My son’s life hadn’t even started.
Something about endings and beginnings fascinate me. I cannot pinpoint exactly what I am working on, but as I work and as I write, my thoughts become more clear.

On the Rocks

On the Rocks

Last weekend, we spent a relaxed weekend with friends (and kids) in a beautiful masia on the outskirts of Llagostera. Sent the kids up to their huge room for a pyjama party and the adults finally got some time to ourselves. Whilst we chatted and debated, I sometimes stopped and just looked around. And then started taking these photographs of people’s drinks. I loved the mood they set, I hope you like them.


#alexiamedici #whiskey #ice #tempest#glass #abstract #art #masia #inspiration#creation #quiet #art #visualpoetry #light#dark #mood #photooftheday #beautiful#instalike #photography #iphoneography#instamood #followme #lightplay#shadowplay #instagood #icetexture

the Universe Within

the Universe Within


Pause. Feel connected. Reach out.

I’ve been feeling grounded recently. It feels good. It feels natural. I feel more aware of myself, my faults, other people’s faults. It’s ok. With perspective it’s understandable. From a distance it’s not painful. It’s the way we are wired. It’s ok.

I was eating a tangerine whilst speaking to my daughter. I like the stem, it looks like roots. The tangerine peel then evolved to this.. This is where I am just now.


Meditation. Inspiration. Self.

Meditation. Inspiration. Self.

A few days ago I had a couple of hours to myself, free from kids, free from obligations. I didn’t have to react to anything, I could act on whatever I wanted.

I took a long hot shower, listened to Chopin and just relaxed. I wanted to save this moment, so I took a photo of myself just out of the shower in a bathroom steaming with ideas. A portrait to help ground me in future situations.

In the end, the photo I presented looks like this…

The Rain

The Rain

I love it when it rains.

Outside, all sounds are muted, all looks grey, everybody seems to be dressed in black.

Inside, I’m floating inside my little bubble. I can smell the rain, feel the rain, I am the rain. I am melancholic, I’m grey, no masks on, I’m clean, I’m alive.

The rain leaves, the kids wake up, people wear colour, the city is noisy. All I have left are little, beautiful drops of what was. My delicate bubble, a diamond.


#rain #quiet #melancholy #drops #purple #photography #art #visualpoetry #light #dark #photopainting #mood #photooftheday #beautiful #instalike #photography #iphoneography #instamood #followme #lightplay #shadowplay #instagood #inspiration by #alexiamedici

The Bottle

The Bottle

There was a bottle. 

A bottle that contained a special smell. 

A few minutes ago the bottle broke. 

The smell has gone. 

The bottle belonged to my father. 

He too has gone. 

He has gone to the sea, the bottle is in the bin.

I am here.

#nofilter #noeffects #broken #grief #loss #memory #videoart #art #visualpoetry #abstractart #light #dark #green #bottle #perfume #gone #abstractart #mood #beautiful #lightplay #shadowplay #abstract #inspiration by #alexiamedici

On Inspiration (series)

On Inspiration (series)

Inspiration I: a Balloon of Gold Dust, Perfume and Glitter

This has probably been my best week in a very long time… I had a lovely catch up with fellow artist / personal inspiration Rebecca Lyne, then had another great talk with another amazing artist Ely Daou and finished off the week by going to Swab, Barcelona’s internacional contemporary art fair.

After speaking to Ely I explained that I felt inspired like a balloon full of gold dust, perfume and glitter. This feeling stayed with me all weekend and now I’ve got something to show…

Inspiration II: Opulent, Musty and Magical

I have decided to make a three part series on this theme with this piece being the second.
The colours used are meant to represent the richness, sensuality and intimacy one feels when feeling inspired. There’s a whole universe spreading out from the seed of one ephemeral, fertile and opulent thought.


Inspiration III: The Butterflies Within

This is the final photo from the Inspiration series of photos. It’s called The Butterflies Within which is self explanatory really. I just hope to keep the inspiration on fire for as long as possible to fuel my many upcoming personal and artistic projects :)

Synonyms: animated, aroused, eager, enthusiastic, excited, impassioned, juiced up, passionate, stirred up, excited, aroused, awakened, beside oneself, charged, delighted, feverish, fired up, high, inspired, juiced up, keyed up, moved, on fire, passionate, pumped, stimulated.


Conclusion – New Life

Conclusion – New Life

First I was melancholic, then I was sad, then I found some way to express myself. I was baffled as I didn’t understand what I was up to. I called the pieces Untitled and moved on. Making the pieces made me feel in tune with myself and I got inspired and my energy came back. I thought about my father lots and sometimes got melancholic again, but not for long. Most of it had passed. Then I realized that the anniversary of my father’s death was approaching and this is what had probably triggered off these experiences. Now I understand and accept giving me a sense of peace. After Coming out of the Dark, I can now conclude with Conclusion – New Life. It does not cut off from my previous experiences but it is a coming together and closing the circle thus starting a new chapter.

new life warm


In my visual language, darkness is not something to be scared about, or something to stay away from. Darkness can be comforting, it is an unknown, but a comfortable or even friendly unknown and this is shown in the warm and rich hues it which it is embedded.

The second year of my father’s passing away is fast approaching. This is bringing a whole new set on unknown emotions to the surface which I am trying to process. Am I feeling melancholic? Am I at peace with his death? Will this ever heal? Do I want it to?

Coming out of the Dark

Coming out of the Dark

In my visual language, darkness is not something to be scared about, or something to stay away from. Darkness can be comforting, it is an unknown, but a comfortable or even friendly unknown and this is shown in the warm and rich hues it which it is embedded.

In this picture, Coming out of the Dark refers to an understanding of this darkness, what it represents (my melancholy triggered by my father’s passing away) and an acceptance. This understanding and acceptance allows me move on whilst carrying these emotions with me.

The second year of my father’s passing away is fast approaching. This is bringing a whole new set on unknown emotions to the surface which I am trying to process. Am I feeling melancholic? Am I at peace with his death? Will this ever heal? Do I want it to?
Photo 25-04-16 18 06 03

Ode to a loved soul

Ode to a loved soul

I can feel your energy

My father was my mentor, the one who really shaped my perspective about life, love and all things abstract.

He was also a friend who whom I could debate and learn from life’s many lessons. He’s given me ambition, thought me how to think out of the box and follow my intuition and dreams, no matter what.

He also thought me to know what I want in life, so that if it comes across my path, I will recognize it.
I miss him deeply, but I also know that he is always with me, sometimes by my side, and at other times checking on me and my family from far away. These photos represent just this. The energies of a loved one close by, felt by my soul, yet invisible to my eyes.

I know you're here
“I know you’re here”

I know you're there
Warmth “Warmth”

The second year of my father’s passing away is fast approaching. This is bringing a whole new set on unknown emotions to the surface which I am trying to process. Am I feeling melancholic? Am I at peace with his death? I know that I miss him and try to fit his presence in my everyday life, however I still catch myself crying every now and again, especially if I come across a photo of his that I hadn’t seen before, or if a movie or a story reminds me of him, his greatness or his sickness. Will this ever heal? Do I want it to? Will I forget him? This thought terrifies me….

Connecting Energies

Connecting Energies

The second year of my father’s passing away is fast approaching. This is bringing a whole new set on unknown emotions to the surface which I am trying to process. Am I feeling melancholic? Am I at peace with his death? I know that I miss him and try to fit his presence in my everyday life, however I still catch myself crying every now and again, especially if I come across a photo of his that I hadn’t seen before, or if a movie or a story reminds me of him, his greatness or his sickness. Will this ever heal? Do I want it to? Will I forget him? This thought terrifies me….

This photo is called “connection” as through it I feel as though I can somehow connect to my late father.

Photo 25-04-16 17 47 05 (1)

A Visual Poem

A Visual Poem

In my visual language, darkness is not something to be scared about, or something to stay away from. Darkness can be comforting, it is an unknown, but a comfortable or even friendly unknown and this is shown in the warm and rich hues it which it is embedded.

The second year of my father’s passing away is fast approaching. This is bringing a whole new set on unknown emotions to the surface which I am trying to process. Am I feeling melancholic? Am I at peace with his death? Will this ever heal? Do I want it to?

Photo 25-04-16 18 06 03

ɪˈfɛmərəl/ where I am now..

ɪˈfɛmərəl/ where I am now..

Ephemeral /ɪˈfɛmərəl/

Synonyms: fleeting, evanescent, transient, momentary, brief.
adjective: lasting for only a short time; transitory; short-lived: ephemeral pleasure
noun: a short-lived organism, such as the mayfly
a plant that completes its life cycle in less than one year, usually less than six months

Word Origin: C16: from Greek ephēmeros lasting only a day, from hēmera day


I am unto something, but I don’t know what it is yet.. all I know is that it’s ephemeral.

During my late father’s sickness I worked on a series of painting and ideas called “energies” whereby I tried to express my feeling of having one life form passed on to another, whereby energy does not start, and does not end with death, it evolves into something else… This something else has been very fascinating to me.

During the summer, we traveled to Galicia (Northern Spain) and this amazing marine fauna inspired me .. it kind of relates to my previous investigations of energies and life and are totally ephemeral – you can only see them when the tide is low.

Playa de Los Catedrales is part of a process that is taking me somewhere new.
I still have to work on it and understand where I want to go with it, but I do know is that it is something ephemeral.